Friday, June 8, 2012

That's Better!

My last post was about a pattern called "Bunny Blanket Buddy" by Lion Brand Yarn, and how I wasn't 100% in love with the end product. Well, I took another stab at it -- with some alterations.

I lengthened the ears like I talked about. I added 10 stitches onto their pattern. Ten so that it'd be easy to do the additions in my head. When it says to cast on 17, I cast on 27. When it says to purl 14 stitches, I purled 24. When it says to bind of 18, I bind of 28. Piece of cake and looks much more "bunny".

I also shortened the head just a touch, by .5". You can't tell at all in the picture, but the subtle difference looks much more appealing to me in person.

The last change I made was embroidering the face in lighter colors. The black was too bold for me -- it didn't read "baby", so I went for a rose color for the nose and grey for everything else to soften it up.

Now it's definitely my new go-to baby gift. I'm much happier with it. What do you think?


  1. Great job, luv your work!

  2. Very cute. I can see a little one taking one of these to bed at night to snuggle with.

  3. I just wanted to let you know that I think your blog is fab and have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. If you’d like to accept this award then please take it to your blog and pass it on – if this is not your cup of tea then please accept this as a compliment on your blog.
